BT holders include a number (BT-30, 40, 50) which designates the taper of the tool holder as defined by the AMT. OSG carries an extensive offering of shrink fit & collet style holders in this popular configuration.
HY-PRO® SHRINK: High precision shrink fit tooling
CAT holders include a number (CT-30, 40, 50) which designates the taper of the tool holder as defined by the AMT. CAT holders are also called V-Flange holders. OSG carries an extensive offering of shrink fit & collet style holders in this popular configurations.
HY-PRO® SHRINK: High precision shrink fit tooling
Collet holders utilize a collapsible spring collet to hold the cutting tool in the holder. A threaded collet nut is tightened to compress the collet around the shank of the tool. OSG stocks an extensive line-up of high accuracy Power Collet chucks ideally suited for the Mold & Die, Aerospace, Automotive, heavy Industry and Medical Industries.
HY-PRO® Power Collet: Optimized design with superior constructional combines high rigidity with vibration dampening features.
HSK holders feature a short hollow taper that contacts the spindle on two surfaces, providing greater rigidity. The holders are ideally suited for High Speed Machining applications. OSG carries an extensive offering of shrink fit & collet style holders in the most popular HSK configurations.
HY-PRO® SHRINk: High precision shrink fit tooling
Shrink fit holders utilizes heat to expand a specifically sized internal metal bore of the holder, allowing for tool insertion. As the metal cools, the bore collapses upon the tool, providing maximum holding power and rigidity. Aside from gripping strength, shrink fit provides the ultimate in concentricity and balance. OSG stocks an extensive line-up of modular & 1-piece type holders to suit any industry, including Mold & Die, Aerospace, Automative, Heavy Industry and Medical.
HY-PRO® SHRINK: High precision shrink fit extensions.